Estimation of Adult Mortality in Developing Countries Using an Application Based on the Variable-r Method
This paper proposes another approach to estimation of adult mortality in developing countries based on the variable-r method. The method derives estimates of adult mortality from the age distributions of two censuses. It is similar to Preston-Bennett method, but uses a slightly different approach to obtain estimates of person-years lived and expectation of life at age x. The proposed method is very simple and estimates from it compare favorably well with estimates from other related methods.
Population Review
Volume 60, Number 2, 2021
Type: Article, pp. 44-65
Estimation of Adult Mortality in Developing Countries Using an Application Based on the Variable-r Method
Authors: E.C. Nwogu and C.O. Okoro
Affiliations: Department of Statistics, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria (Nwogu); Department of Statistics, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria (Okoro)
Corresponding author/address: C.O. Okoro, Department of Statistics, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria; email:
This paper proposes another approach to estimation of adult mortality in developing countries based on the variable-r method. The method derives estimates of adult mortality from the age distributions of two censuses. It is similar to Preston-Bennett method, but uses a slightly different approach to obtain estimates of person-years lived and expectation of life at age x. The proposed method is very simple and estimates from it compare favorably well with estimates from other related methods.
Adult mortality, census, life expectancy, intercensal, variable-r method
© 2021 Sociological Demography Press
Nwogu, E.C. and C.O. Okoro. “Estimation of Adult Mortality in Developing Countries Using an Application Based on the Variable-r Method.” Population Review, vol. 60 no. 2, 2021. Project MUSE
Nwogu, E., & Okoro, C. (2021). Estimation of Adult Mortality in Developing Countries Using an Application Based on the Variable-r Method. Population Review 60(2),
Nwogu, E.C., and C.O. Okoro. “Estimation of Adult Mortality in Developing Countries Using an Application Based on the Variable-r Method.” Population Review 60, no. 2 (2021)
TY – JOUR T1 – Estimation of Adult Mortality in Developing Countries Using an Application Based on the Variable-r Method A1 – Nwogu, E.C. A1 – Okoro, C.O. JF – Population Review VL – 60 IS – 2 PY – 2021 PB – Sociological Demography Press SN – 1549-0955 UR – N1 – Volume 60, Number 2, 2021 ER –
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