Volume 55, Number 1, 2016
Declining Dominance of an Ethnic Group in a Large Multi-ethnic Developing Country: The Case of the Javanese in Indonesia
Aris Ananta, Dwi Retno Wilujeng Wahyu Utami, Ari Purbowati
pp. 1-26
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/prv.2016.0000
Child Fostering and Children’s Human Capital in Ouagadougou
James Lachaud, Thomas K. LeGrand, Jean-François Kobiané
pp. 27-48
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/prv.2016.a611203
Immigrants and Autochthonous People in the Italian Labor Market: A Comparative Study
Anna Paterno, Luisa Salaris, Giuseppe Gabrielli, Nicola Tedesco
pp. 49-73
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/prv.2016.a614743
Health and Sustainable Development Challenges of the 21st Century: A Comparative Analysis of Salt Reduction Strategies
Marryam Tariq, Seema Rath, Fadzai Mushoriwa, Sunitha Srinivas
pp. 74-91
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/prv.2016.a616118